Predouchelescent /prē,dōōSHə’les(ə)nt’/ n. 1. A tween douche generally between ten and fourteen years of age; considered too old for adolescence and too young for teenhood.
2. A tween displaying beginning stages of traits, interests, and psychologies common to the fully matured adult Douchebag.

synonyms: tween douche


Hey I’m Madison and I’m in 6th grade at Carson Elementary. My schedule is packed with honors and advanced placement classes so that one day I can hopefully get into a really good college. Lately I’ve been hanging out a lot with Melody. She used to just copy off my homework, but then one day she asked if I wanted to eat lunch with her. So I did, and we’ve been besties ever since. We like to coordinate outfits and take selfies, but a lot of my friends don’t really like Melody since she makes fun of how they look and dress. I have a huge crush on Trevor Washington, a 7th grader who I used to tutor in math. I hope he doesn’t see this! Anyway I love reading and writing, snapchatting and vlogging. I don’t want to share anything else just in case “certain people” screenshot this.

Cheyenne Costanza

Cheyenne is in 7th grade in the theater department at Oakland School for the Arts in Oakland, CA.  She has recently been seen in “The Trojan Woman,” part of “Heart of Oakland” at the Fox Theater, and a one-woman piece in the “New Works Showcase.” Cheyenne was also in “Broadway on Broadway” this earlier this year, performing a compilation of decades of Broadway show tunes. She has also acted in a variety of short films and the web series “Red Sleep.”  When not performing, Cheyenne loves to read, spend time with her cat and rabbit, watch films, ride water slides, and listen to the sounds of Adele and Blink 182. She credits Meryl Streep as her acting inspiration.

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